101 Tips To Improve Your Business

I’ll get straight into it.

In a big Office De-Clutter session I had recently I found this list of “101 Tips to Improve Your Business” in a handout I got from a seminar years ago. I will para-phrase them 5 at a time for the next 10 or so weeks.

In that time “The Zero To A Hundred K in 30 Days” Blueprint should be launched.

Here goes:

1. Always look at ways to increase the Dollar Value of each sale – this is a no-brainer! If you were to increase the price of all your Lawnmowing jobs by $5 or whatever, you increase your sales by X%, and decrease your exertion effort by the same amount.

2. Always ask prospects “How did you hear about us?” when they enquire about your Landscaping Services – this is really important as over time (using a spreadsheet for this data) you will see patterns emerge, and it will be obvious where to spend your advertising dollars.

3. Practice your presentation in the mirror– mmm, I don’t know about this one. Anyway, the point with this tip is that you will have to follow some sort of scripted spiel when you are pitching your services to prospects. In my Lawn Green business, I have set spiels for answering the phone, giving a quote, handling price objections etc.

4. After you have done a presentation always ask your colleagues, “How could I improve?” – I guess for contractors like us in the Lawn Mowing and Gardening Industry this may not really apply, but certainly get outside opinions on your telephone scripts etc.

5. A Pat on the Back for work well done is priceless – this goes without saying, but I will say something anyway. Positive reinforcement is a great tool in recognising good work done. As a general rule, always thanks your staff for their efforts.

That’s it for now, I will be back in the next few days with the next 5 tips on improving your business.

My challenge to you is to examine briefly each of these tips and how they can apply to you. Remember, if you can make little 1% changes to your business each week, you will have a thriving business in no time.

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