How To Start a Lawn Mowing and Gardening Business – Your Plan (of Attack) for Success:

If you have ever read any books, or gone to any seminars, on “Business Planning” you will get the same old advice, that is, write up a business plan, do your SWOT analysis, analyse the competitors in your market place, etc, etc, etc.

But all this is doing is just holding you back from what you should be doing, and that is, you should Just Do It! 

If YOU want to Start A Profitable Lawn Mowing Business NOW then go to – take ACTION now!

“Do what?” you ask.

Just write up small Flyer (A5 will do!), print off 500 from your own computer and get it out there around your local area!

You see, there is no point in doing a business plan and all that stuff, if what you have to offer is not what the customers want.

So, if you want to risk as little as you have to, then knock up a small flyer, put a few hundred out in your area, and see what sort of response you get. If the phone rings, you have a business. After this, the only thing you need to worry about is how effective your advertising flyer is, and you can work on that later!

OK, so up until now we have got into the nitty gritty of our (new) business…but where to from here.

Quite often we get through the first period of our business all fired up, and then we can become a bit lethargic and maybe lose our way a little.

When this happens it’s time for some solid Goal Setting. What you need now is a (Business) Plan of Attack!

Your new Action Plan is all about setting SMART Goals: your new Goals should be [S]pecific, [M]easurable, [A]ttainable, [R]ealistic and [T]imely.

This Plan of Attack is not a Business Plan as such, but a To Do List for each Day of the Week, each Week of the Month, each Month of the Year, each Year of the next 5 years and so on.

With Goal Setting it is important to:

  1. Write Your Goals down – keeping in mind the SMART goal setting system
  2. Revise these goals from time to time because some of them may be unreasonable or unnecessary

Goal Setting helps you:

  1. Get over the fear of failure and success
  2. Motivate yourself
  3. Prioritise the important tasks
  4. Take Action to achieve your goals
  5. To plan your business
  6. To overcome obstacles


So, to find out more about your Gardening Business, go across to the Free Report in the box on the Right Hand side of your computer screen, and subscribe for The “How To Build Your Own Successful Lawn and Garden Business in 30 Days” Blueprint – it’s FREE!!!!

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